Monday, April 8, 2013

Dr Oz 3 Day Cleanse

Two weeks ago I did the Dr Oz three day detox cleanse.  If you are thinking of doing it I should warn you it is extremely hard. I did it with my mom and I wouldn’t suggest doing it alone. Also I would suggest doing it when you are busy, although it is hard to get work done when you are hungry; it helps take your mind off eating. Here are the logs I did on my iPhone over the three days. Warning I was VERY bitchy and VERY cranky. But, this is an honest description on how the cleanse goes.

It's 9:15 on Tuesday night: I'm starting my 3 day cleanse tomorrow, its 4 different shakes made out of different fruits and vegetables. It's not supposed to be one of those cleanse that makes you drop 10lbs. in 3 days, however it is supposed to help you break your unhealthily habits and kick start your weight loss. Which I desperately need because I just stuffed my face with a croissant as a last meal cause you know I'm being overly dramatic and actually feel like I'll never eat again. I just hope not eating for 3 days doesn't turn me into a raging bitch! Lord help all the people who have to interact with me during these next few days!
9:00Am Wednesday: I had my first smoothie for breakfast and took my multi vitamin and my probiotic. The smoothie wasn't bad I got used to it and started to like it. I already messed up though! I completely forgot to have my detox green tea! Ugh! Maybe I can have it tonight instead.

12:00pm Wednesday: Time for meal 2! I put it in a water bottle to take it work. It is green and mushy and kind of hard to choke down. I think there might be coconut in this one and that's why I don't like it. I hope I'll be able to finish it. I really want a tuna melt.  
6:30pm Wednesday: It took me 2 hours to finish meal 2. Right now I'm starving! I'm drinking meal 3. It's much better than meal 2 but still not great. I feel like crap I'm tired and I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. I hope this crappy feeling is just all the toxins leaving my body. I don't know if I'll have enough energy to work out tonight or do my paper. This detox totally sucks!

9:30pm Wednesday: I've finished all my meals for the day and had my detoxing bath. The bath is with Epsom salt and lavender oil and very relaxing. The Epsom salt makes you sweat so it's another way of ridding your body to toxins. I've decided that I'm not actually hungry I'm just going through with drawl. I've been craving carbs all day and feel a little light headed I think that's because I'm addicted to them. Hopefully after this cleanse is over I won't crave processed carbs anymore! I'm optimistic that tomorrow will go better now that I know what to expect.
9:00am Thursday: I remembered to have the green tea with a lemon this morning. I feel really sick though and I don't think I'll be able to choke down breakfast. I can't wait for this cleanse to be over.

10:30am Thursday: I was able to drink my breakfast smoothie and I feel much better. I guess I didn't feel good because I was hungry. The breakfast smoothie is defiantly my favorite

1:00pm Thursday: I made a few modifications to meal 2. I added some water, melted the coconut oil, and put a few extra pieces of pineapple. The changes made the taste and texture more bearable but not by much. I actually feel pretty good now.
5:30pm Thursday: I'm starving and drinking my last meal right now, I don't even care about the taste anymore I just want something to fill me! This detox couldn't be over fast enough!

9:00pm Thursday: I just had my Epsom salt bath. I feel okay still kind of hungry I was supper cranky today! I yelled at almost every person I talked to, I was even kind of snippy to one of my professors. Right now I'm being stubborn because I don't want to make my meals for tomorrow. I cut myself while cleaning the blender and now I'm mad at it. Oy! I think I'm starting to lose my mind! Counting down the hours till it’s over!

8:30am Friday: IT'S MY LAST DAY! I couldn't be happier! I was so hungry last night I couldn't sleep. I'm choking down my green tea now. The only thing that is going to get me through the day is that it’s my last day!
9:00am Friday: I drank my last breakfast smoothie. I'm not really full from it. Today is going to be a long hungry day.

2:00pm Friday: I'm hungry cranky and miserable! The third day is the hardest. I can't even look at the green mush, let alone drink it. I hate this!
6:30pm Friday: I couldn't finish my lunch smoothie it was just too hard to choke down. I feel tired, grumpy, and weak. The dinner smoothie helps a little bit, but I'm still hungry! Thank god this is the last day!

*******I went out with friends Friday night and skipped the Epsom salt bath********

10:00am Saturday: So I ate real food today! It was amazing! I also got weighted today and I lost 8lbs!!! I'm super excited but also extremely nervous that I won't keep it off. The problem with these cleanses are that once you start eating again you gain all the weight back and sometimes more. Overall I'm not sure if I would do this again. It was extremely hard and I was miserable the whole time. I'm defiantly going to try to eat less.


It has been two weeks since I did the cleanse. I was able to keep the weight off so far. I’m thinking of trying it again when I feel my eating is getting out of control. If you are interested in doing it here is the link with all the information you need Also note it came about to be way more than 16 dollars a day per person. If you want to try it and have any questions about it you can tweet me or ask me on tumblr