Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Don't Trim Your Feelings

This is an old post I wrote in the summer of 2013, I thought it was entertaining to I  decided to post it now.

I have a ton of blog post in my draft folder that I can never post because let's face it, they aren't funny. Actually they are kind of depressing. Let me explain why.... Graduating college sucks! There is no rhyme or reason to it, it just does.

So that being said I thought of a way to express the evil of life changing experience in a slightly humorous way: Changing your hair. If you have ever seen the show Girl Code you will know that they have a segment called " don't trim your feelings" the reason why they talked about it is because for some reason every time girls go through a traumatic experience they end up changing their hair. 

I am no exception to this rule. I've been doing it for years with out even realizing it. The end of my freshman year of college I dyed my hair jet black. In my junior year I got it chemically straightened. But my senior year was the worst. Around finals time in December I decided I once again was tired of having curly hair so I got it straightened again ( this wasn't that dramatic ). 
(Black hair freshman year)

(My hair chemically straightened)

Then at the beginning of the second semester I was getting really overwhelmed with work so what did I do ? I just spontaneously got the ombré done. This was a huge change and I hated it. But, my friends and family liked it so I decided to keep it. 

                                                   ( How I felt I looked like with ombre hair)

                                                                 (Blonde ombre hair)
Now 2 days before graduation I was freaking out so I decided to get a major hair cut. I ended up cutting off like 5 inches. The day after graduation I still wasn't handling the stress well so I went to the salon and had them bleach my hair blonde. Why? I have no idea! But I did it. 

                                                                 (Blonde short hair)

Now it's July and I'm starting to go on job interviews so what do I feel like doing ? Dying my hair jet black! I'm trying to talk myself out of it but I'm getting really tired of this look so I'll see what happens.

*************************ONE YEAR LATER**********************************

A couple months after I wrote this post I decided to go back to my natural hair color.  I thought I was done dying my hair but once may came along I felt the urge to dye my hair black again. So my advice to every girl out there don't trim your feelings...but it's okay if you dont follow my advice. Everyone goes through it and its fun to look back and see how you have evolved. Maybe by this time next year it will be purple.

                                                            ( My hair back to normal )

                                                             ( My hair black now )

(My hair maybe next year lol)