Friday, January 18, 2013

How To Be a Little Less Awkward

Hello there, happy 2013! So since I’m going back to school this week I thought I should write a post about something. I was looking at my stats on this blog and twitter and I’ve come to the conclusion that people seem to enjoy my socially awkwardness. I have terrible social etiquette and tend to make all the people around uncomfortable. If you are one of those people that I offend with my social awkwardness IM SORRY AND I PROMISE IM LEARNING FROM IT! Well sort of. Here is a short list of some of the things I’ve learned over this winter break.

1)      If you are going to wear spanks to a party, commit to it. You can’t decide half way through the night to take them off in the bathroom and put them in your purse. It’s not classy.


2)      It’s not up to you to fill all the awkward silences. Awkward silences can be well…awkward, but that doesn’t mean you have to fill it with a random fact about your life. Everyone would rather deal with a little bit of silence then know that you haven’t washed your hair in a few days. Let someone else change the topic.


3)      If you see a cute guy at a party/bar, don’t stand outside the bathroom while he is in there. It’s creepy.


4)      If you invite your friends over your house, you have to wear pants.


5)      Celebrities can pull off the grunge look, you cannot. You have to brush your hair before you go to work.


6)      When talking to strangers about penguins, you don’t have to tell them how often they poop. Especially when they didn’t ask.


7)      Just because you worked at a Chipotle once, doesn’t give you the right to go through their cabinets to look for cup lids.


8)      Don’t open a jar of pickles and eat it in the backseat of someone else’s car (Sorry Sara).


9)      The office is no place for a mustache T-shirt.


10)   Ask people if they have read the book/ seen the movie, before you complain about the ending.


11)   You can’t just randomly quote T.V a show especially if the people you are with don’t watch it.


I thought I was going to have better/funnier things to put on this list, but as soon as I went to write stuff down I couldn’t think of anything good. If I remember better ones I’ll add them.  In the meantime follow me on twitter and tumblr